Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh I wish !!

Oh! On a fine summer's eve,
I wish I could leave,
This world full of strife,
And lead a joyous life,
Out o'er the dale,
Down in the vale,
Untouched by worry,
With no more hurry.
I wish I could forget,
The world that is a net,
And lead a life freed,
From the world's hasty speed.
I wish I could clear,
Our life's blind fog,
Then I would see,
The sunset o'er the sea,
The stars in the sky,
and The birds that fly by.
I wish that on fine summer eves,
I could sit beneath the eaves,
And read books on mystery,
Till the end of history.


  1. Wow !!!! Can i join you too ????

  2. loved well written dat i evn managed to visualize it...
