Thursday, March 26, 2009


It starts with a little splash in the blue,
A tear from heaven plunges into the mirror-mere,
Plunges deep into the placid waters in the mountains.
Like a mirror shatters, the waters explode into hundreds,
Hundreds of crystal droplets, sparkling bright in the sun.
Like a trampoline act, the drop that fell, rebounds sky-ward,
As an unrelenting gravity tugs downward, it writhes,
Writhes and contorts into shapes, fantastic and surreal.
A Dinosaur, A Dragon, A Dove, A Turtle,
A Jug, A Hook and finally A Stick, it falls,
Falls back into the depth of the alpine tarn.
Around the drop, ripples form and race shoreward...
The clouds and sky seem to heave and wave, as,
The mountain-peaks bend and sway like trees in a storm,
The mighty sun herself, flickers in the disturbed skies.
Ripples turn into waves as they come ashore,
Little crests break on the rocks and grass... And,
And, yet more, gentler swells head back center.
The sky, clouds, mountains and sun tremble,
Tremble and waver as the opposing waves clash.......
....In the deeps of the mountain-mere, stillness triumphs,
Calming the waves and ripples on the quivering facade.
The waters return to their calm and peace, and into the deeps,
Vanishes the drop that fell from the high heavens.
A tear of the clouds, now reflecting the vast firmament.

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