Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rolling Years

Sixteen years I have seen,
Many sunsets I have watched,
But today at the year's end,
As I watch the sun sink lower,
Dipping into the west, all I feel,
All I feel is a sense of longing,
Longing for a peaceful world,
Where nature's beauty,
Her pristine beauty lies untouched.
Where constant tensions and fears,
Are banished; banished forever......
All the while the sun sinks lower,
A flaming ball of fire descends,
Light fails as darkness falls,
The year is gone beyond all recalls.....
Left behind are but memories,
Memories bitter and sweet......
I wake to a lovely sunrise,
A 'New Year' has come again,
Come a seventeenth time.
The wheel of time does not stop,
It rolls on, moving on forever,
Into the light, the light of goodness,
Out of the quagmires of life.....
As I muse the wind whispers,
What it whispers that day in every ear,
"A New year is come, my friend,
Make apt use of the time given,
Realise your ideals, and
Cut off desires,....then.....,
Then will you have found true peace,...
Rise and face the world...face the world..."
Heed the breeze my friend......,
Then and only then comes peace everlasting.....

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